Intelligent Job Evaluation System

IJES (Intelligent Job Evaluation System) is the flagship product of Microcare Technologies which is being used in over 100 NHS Trusts. This established, effective secure web application enables busy HR departments effectively deal with the Agenda for Change Process. Job evaluation is a key part of the Agenda for Change pay to system that covers more than a million and a half employees.
IJES has no restrictions on the number of users accessing the system or the number of supporting documents uploaded to the system. It enables consistency checking and includes all the National Profiles and the Job Evaluation Handbooks. You may even manage your panel meetings.

IJES has Intuitive easy search engines, a user-friendly interface and extremely valuable reporting features which make this application a must for any organisation still using excel spreadsheets which does not resolve storage issues or direct communication and would still result in high levels of manual intervention, admin time and paper storage. There would also be manual maintenance of system to keep national job profiles up to date.

Our cost-effective pricing module, the ability to migrate CAJE data, training and support and continuous development of the application to meet our client requirements is what has given Microcare Technologies its reputation in the NHS market place regarding Job Evaluation.

The system can also be developed to reflect other organisations requirements

Why Job Evaluation ?

We would be able to offer IJES at a very competitive price and have it up and running as soon as possible. The software is very user friendly and easy to use, however we will provide free training on all aspects of using the system. It will also include free data migration from the current system.

For more details, please contact us.

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